Remember These Tips for Storing Your Sewing Machine in a Proper Manner

If you are not someone who does the sewing for a living, then you would not use your sewing machine on regular basis. You may take it out once or twice in a month and after that, you may put it back in your storage area until you need […]

If you are not someone who does the sewing for a living, then you would not use your sewing machine on regular basis. You may take it out once or twice in a month and after that, you may put it back in your storage area until you need it again. But putting your sewing machine in storage without proper care can take its toll and you may notice various complications in it on your next use. There are certain tips that can help you store it in a proper manner and I am sharing those tips with you. Sewing Machine
Clean it: Before you put your machine into storage, it is a good idea that you clean it properly. You shall blow off all the lint from it especially from the needle area. You can use a lint brush to clean the area and after that, you can wipe the exterior of the machine with a good quality mild cleanser. And before you store, make sure it is dried. Sewing Machines
Do the oiling: For better storage of sewing machine, it is always advised that you oil all the oiling points of your machine properly. For this, it is essential that you use only high-quality machine oil and it should not have any kind of paraffin wax in it. Also, once you do the oiling, then put a piece of fabric below the pressure foot. Computerized Sewing Machines
Cover it properly: If you have a case for your machine, then cover it with that. If you do not have a case then also you can cover it with a fabric cover or you can take an old towel and you can cover it with that. It will keep the dust and dirt away from your machine and your sewing machine will remain under the optimum condition. In addition to this, it is also a good idea that you store it in a place that is temperature controlled. Extreme temperature is never good for any machine and that rule is applicable for the sewing machine as well. It can cause rust and other problems in it. So, if possible keep that also in your mind for the better result. Sewing Machines Supplies